In early April, nearing the end of a job I loved and plunging into a leap of faith of opening an new practice, my personal Facebook was hacked. While frantically trying to regain access, I continued getting the same message: "Too many codes entered." I thought to myself, "No! I've not entered any codes. This is all wrong. It's the hackers!" I had tried all the simple fixes, all the complex fixes, all the google searches. All to no avail.
I then realized, I was powerless over the issue. In that moment, ironic clarity and hit me -- I HAVE entered too many codes! Too many codes in life to the point that Facebook being hacked felt like the end. You see, sometimes we just get going, and we add more, and then a touch more, and just an itsy bit more of "Sure! I can do that" and BAM! Our mind, body, and spirit are hijacked with the overwhelming responsibilities WE have placed on ourselves and accepted from others. Yet, this seems to be the status quo of society -- do until you can't do anymore and at that point "do what you can."
It is time to check your codes, lovelies. How many of them have taken residency within your mind, body, and spirit? It may be time to "ctrl, alt, delete -->open task manager" and "end task." When I finally stopped trying to un-hack the hacker, the universe took care of it for me and those overwhelming tasks no longer felt imperative.
I invite you to stop trying to un-hack the hacker. Rather, allow yourself to witness and experience the peace and clarity which will follow.
~ Wesley
Phone: (859) 544-2047
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Suite A
Richmond, KY 40475
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